We have some News!

One of our goals for community members is to ensure we make your experience better, the best way we can.

Today, we have exciting news to share about achieving simpler and efficient payment. After some weeks of hard work, it’s time we let the cat out of the bag.

In addition to card and account payment, we are pleased to announce that you can now collect payment from your customers via Paypal on Flutterwave. Guess what? You can start collecting payments on Paypal right away! How cool is that?

We will provide you with daily summary of all purchases and make settlement into your account at T+30 and daily balance notifications is T+1.

Let us know what you think. We are here to answer all your questions and resolve any issue you might have.

Thank you so much for being part of the Flutterwave Community, and thank you for joining us on the journey to changing how the world does business with Africa.

With Love
Community Manager

Read more here http://bit.ly/rave-paypal