Welcome to The Flutterwave Developer Community

Flutterwave is the Google of all things Payment!

This forum is for anyone interested in payment solutions and integration. You can find information on all our products and processes. You can visit our Developer webpage here.

Welcome to the community and have fun!



how about business owners who don’t write code but are still interested in payment solutions? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Hello @Mighty_worlock

Sorry about the oversight, everyone interested in payment is welcome, this has been edited.


Good morning all, Please I’m trying to integrate a rave pay and i’m getting this below error on making payment

Cannot POST /hosted/redirect

Please any help on this


Please, i just have a few questions to ask if you can be off help, i’m a new starter in the digital world and i would like to grow my business throught it. I just want to ask, do i need an operating license from CBN Nigeria to be able to integrate flutterwave virtual cards API into my web and mobile app.



Please, I just have a few questions to ask if you can be of help, i’m a new starter in the digital world and I would like to grow my business through it. I just want to ask, do i need an operating license from CBN Nigeria to be able to integrate flutterwave virtual cards API into my web and mobile app.


please i need help.

We have issues with integrating the flutterwave payment link api. Below are the following details…

  1. API endpoint

  2. Error message

  3. merchant name: Masango banq

  4. merchant id: 100120848

  5. how we are making this api request.

This is the error message below 👇

{status: error, message: Unable to fetch bank list from Provider, please contact support. Error ID: PRVDR04-1678681858552, data: null}

Hello @Osangu_Fritzel,

Can you share the details of the error you experienced here?

I have some enquiries concerning the flutterwave enaira api.

My use case is to approve payment (both deposit and withdrawal) from enaira speed wallet and redirect back to my website dapp ( either use transaction id for successful or failed payment to validate purchase/withdrawal on my end)

I’m able to get authenticated and successfully use the other payment methods to validate in my backend but for some reason enaira payment option which is enabled in dashboard (still on flutterwave testnet) but when i select either pay with qr, token or direct wallet debit, i get the error

Payment failed, possible connection issues. Please try making the payment again.

No browser console error either, not sure what’s happening, here’s my code running off of html/js using the flutterwave cdn script tag

            public_key: "FLWPUBK_TEST--X",
            tx_ref: `ENSC-${Random}Token`,
            amount: TOTAL,
            currency: "NGN",
            payment_options: "card, mobilemoneyghana, ussd,enaira",
            callback: function (payment) {
                // Send AJAX verification request to backend
            onclose: function (incomplete) {
                if (incomplete || window.verified === false) {
                    document.querySelector("#payment-failed").style.display = 'block';
                } else {
                    // document.querySelector("form").style.display = 'none';
                    // if (window.verified == true) {
                    //     document.querySelector("#payment-success").style.display = 'block';
                    // } else {
                    //     // document.querySelector("#payment-pending").style.display = 'block';
                    // }
            meta: {
                consumer_id: beneficiary,
                consumer_mac: "92a3-912ba-1192a",
            customer: {
                email: "rose@unsinkableship.com",
                phone_number: "08102909304",
                name: "Rose DeWitt Bukater",
            customizations: {
                title: "ENSC ENERY",
                description: "Payment ENSC Token",
                logo: "https://www.logolynx.com/images/logolynx/22/2239ca38f5505fbfce7e55bbc0604386.jpeg",