Bulk Transfer Error: I get validationError when trying to make BULK Transfer

I am using the Flutterwave NodeJS SDK to make Bulk Transfers but I am getting a validation errors after providing all the necessary details. The validator returns “amount: required” i have provided the amount field in the payload. Any help?

This is my test payload

const payload = {
title: “Staff salary for April”,
bulk_data: [
bank_code: “044”,
account_number: “0690000032”,
amount: 600,
currency: “NGN”,
narration: “Salary payment for April”,
bank_code: “044”,
account_number: “0690000034”,
amount: 400,
currency: “NGN”,
narration: “Salary payment for April”,

This is the error I am getting:
Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 10.05.03 AM