Please I’'m experiencing error with Validation of Card To Wallet and Account To Wallet. Is the transactionRef on the validation suppose to be the ID or flutterChargeReference? here is a response I got: “”,“pendingValidation”:true,“chargeMethod”:“VBVSECURECODE”}} Card To Wallet Validation: {“status”:“error”,“data”:“Sorry, Card Validation was not Successful.”,“message”:“Sorry, Card Validation was not Successful.”} "
it is meant to be the flutterChargeReference
Still I’m getting error: Sorry, Card Validation was not Successful. I assume the OTP is still “123456”
"Test OTP is 123456
Can I see your payload for the validate request?"
"Sub CardToWallet_Validation()
Dim client As RestClient = New RestClient("""")
Dim Request As RestRequest = New RestRequest(""/v1/transfer/charge/auth/card"", Method.POST)
Request.AddHeader(""Content-Type"", ""application/json"")
Request.AddHeader(""Authorization"", Label1.Text)
Request.AddParameter(""transactionRef"", Trim(hdnRefID.Value))
Request.AddParameter(""otp"", ""123456"")
Dim Response As IRestResponse = client.Execute(Request)
Dim Content6 As String = Response.Content
Dim json As JObject = JObject.Parse(Content6)
Label6.Text = Content6
End Sub"
Please can you test this outside of your app just to be sure, I have tested from here and this is fine.
I’ve tried from another app but still getting same response.
If you can paste your JSON request payload, I can test from postman and feedback I tested in the morning and didn’t have any issues