Moneywave Card Validation

Please I’'m experiencing error with Validation of Card To Wallet and Account To Wallet. Is the transactionRef on the validation suppose to be the ID or flutterChargeReference? here is a response I got: “”,“pendingValidation”:true,“chargeMethod”:“VBVSECURECODE”}} Card To Wallet Validation: {“status”:“error”,“data”:“Sorry, Card Validation was not Successful.”,“message”:“Sorry, Card Validation was not Successful.”} "

it is meant to be the flutterChargeReference

Still I’m getting error: Sorry, Card Validation was not Successful. I assume the OTP is still “123456”

"Test OTP is 123456

Can I see your payload for the validate request?"

"Sub CardToWallet_Validation()

   Dim client As RestClient = New RestClient("""")
   Dim Request As RestRequest = New RestRequest(""/v1/transfer/charge/auth/card"", Method.POST)
    Request.AddHeader(""Content-Type"", ""application/json"")
    Request.AddHeader(""Authorization"", Label1.Text)
    Request.AddParameter(""transactionRef"", Trim(hdnRefID.Value))
    Request.AddParameter(""otp"", ""123456"")
    Dim Response As IRestResponse = client.Execute(Request)
    Dim Content6 As String = Response.Content

   Dim json As JObject = JObject.Parse(Content6)
    Label6.Text = Content6

End Sub"

Please can you test this outside of your app just to be sure, I have tested from here and this is fine.

I’ve tried from another app but still getting same response.

If you can paste your JSON request payload, I can test from postman and feedback I tested in the morning and didn’t have any issues