I'm testing payment but when I get redirected to this link: https://ravemodal-dev.herokuapp.com/v3/hosted/pay It keeps loading

Here is a screenshot of the link


Hi @VFX_Ninja

Thank you for sharing this experience,

Kindly share your request payload for the transaction above, and a screenshot of your browser console.

PS: Be sure to hide any sensitive information when sharing the payload.

Thank you for your fast reply, I attached browser console screenshot

I’m using a testing APIs

Hi @VFX_Ninja

Thank you for sharing the screenshot above,

Kindly share your request payload and the feature being used (i.e. Flutterwave standard, Fllutterwave Inline, etc.)

PS: Be sure to hide any sensitive information when sharing the payload.

Is it this one I attached?

doc. payload|690x110

Hi @VFX_Ninja

The request payload I am referring to is simply data (typically in JSON) that includes details such as the amount to be charged, the customer’s information, and any other relevant information necessary for processing the payment. This information is then sent along with the necessary headers to Flutterwave API in order to generate a payment link.

Example of request payload:

            tx_ref: "hooli-tx-1920bbtytty",
            amount: "100",
            currency: "NGN",
            redirect_url: "https://webhook.site/9d0b00ba-9a69-44fa-a43d-a82c33c36fdc",
            meta: {
                consumer_id: 23,
                consumer_mac: "92a3-912ba-1192a"
            customer: {
                email: "user@gmail.com",
                phonenumber: "080****4528",
                name: "Yemi Desola"
            customizations: {
                title: "Pied Piper Payments",
                logo: "http://www.piedpiper.com/app/themes/joystick-v27/images/logo.png"

Along with the request payload, please provide the code where you are setting up and sending this information to Flutterwave.

PS: Be sure to hide any sensitive information when sharing the payload.