Moneywave Account-to-Account Transfer

I’d like to know if you can provide details on the specific countries supported by the Pay API and Moneywave.
Can you provide me with a list of the countries supported by Moneywave’s “Account-To-Account” transfers and the banks supported in those countries.
Also, can you provide me with a list of countries supported by the Flutterwave Pay API and the banks supported in those countries.
Is there a plan to move away form 3DES encryption for something that could be supported client-side?

Moneywave replaced the Pay API that was on Flutterwave.
2. At this time, we are able to Pay out funds using our wallet system to three countries: NG, KE and GH. Other countries like US, ZA and a host of some African countries are still in the works.
3. Account to Account transfers on only works for a number of banks in Nigeria.
4. 3DES encryption on Flutterwave will be deprecated in V2 which is in testing at this time and will be available soon.