Rave inline doesn't work with test and live cards

When I try to make payment with valid card details, I get “Some error occurred” response. My browser console shows a 503 (Service Unavailable) response on a POST request to https://api.ravepay.co/flwv3-pug/getpaidx/api/charge?use_polling=1 which directs to herokucdn error-pages/application-error.html

If I use test cards, it appears to succeed. I’m asked to click to confirm transaction. Then the inline modal says transaction failed and on my console, I get a 400 (Bad Request) as response to a POST to https://api.ravepay.co/flwv3-pug/getpaidx/api/charge?use_polling=1.
The console shows that the POST request has the following response payload
{“status”:“error”,“message”:“Transaction failed”,“data”:{}}

In both instances, I used my live public key. The test public key says invalid public key on the rave inline modal.

I’ve got help through the chat support system. Test payments now work.

Live payments work now. Cheers

Hi Itswisdomagain,
Trust your day is going well? I have exactly the same issue on a website. How did you fix the issues please.


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